letters to the moon.
i want to share a piece of me with you. this is different, slightly scary, and new. through my experiences, moments, good days, sleepless nights... i have created something for you. to help you, guide you, relate to you, speak to you. poetry has always held a special place in my heart. the value of writing, the value of words. i feel like people often forget that the way we think, the way we share our emotions, the way you can make someone FEEL... is art. art is surrounding us and it brings realness to the hearts of those who display something unreal, not true to who they are. my mission is to make people feel something, and even if i can touch at least one heart.. i know i will have accomplished something. something real. see the thing is, if we can understand how navigate the minds of people just like you and me, maybe we will start to feel a little less extraterrestrial in a place we must stay present in. i believe this can be done through just the power of words.
Language has power.
Poetry helps us find our inner voice and share our feelings.
Poetry is an exploration.
Poetry allows us to explore what lies beyond the limits.
- Poetry is our friend.
Letters To The Moon is a collection of poetry written as a series of letters to those who feel at home with the moon and stars. it takes you on a journey about hope, dreams, love, failure, loneliness, and loss. Letters To The Moon allows you to know that it's okay. it's okay that you're going through something, it's okay that you're feeling feelings, it's okay if you are shooting for something so far out of reach. the beauty of this is to know you are not alone. you are not alone out in this great big world. this one's for you.
letters to the moon☽
maddy pyle
for the dreamers, doers, and lovers
letter #1
you watched the waves.
i watched how the waves moved you
letter #2
i wore my heart on my lips and thought
that’s how i could enter yours
- please love me
letter #3
i called the moon my home because it was
the only constant in my life. when the sun
went to sleep, it let me shine.
- alien
letter #4
maybe at night the stars come out to navigate
the dreamers like you and me
- reaching for the stars
letter #5
life was made to end
so why do we live like it did
we must keep living
letter #6
i sit there and cry to the moon
“please catch my tears!”
but all i hear is the echo of my own hopes and dreams
letter #7
maybe it’s because you’re different
or maybe it’s because you make me feel different
you give me hope
- falling
letter #8
we’re all searching for our place out there
our own place in this universe
i know it gets lonely
i know it gets hard
lost in space and time
lost in the idea of what if i can’t get there
what if i’m lonely
and lost
letter #9
i thought i captured your heart
but you took the flag and ran away too soon
- i can’t catch up to you
letter #10
what hurt most was feeling you fade away
watching you walk away
and i was the one who had to say
letter #11
the wise men were right
why is it that we fall for the fools who are
so capable of stealing the love we kept safe
- i’m a fool
letter #12
I no longer view you in a rose tinted, colored light of view
but in a dark, black and white panoramic view
i will not filter you to be something beautiful.
letter #13
how selfish some can be, how selfish.
because when someone's heart breaks,
so does a piece of our world.
letter #14
we must choose happiness
i am so happy now.
my heart is so whole, and i'm left thankful for the lesson of survival you taught me.
i will forever suffer the effects of you,
but indifference is better.
letter #15
how odd it is to be haunted by someone that is still
letter #16
i've fallen in love with this world.
beautiful underlying cultures
deep music
our endless discovery
the stellar energy.
letter #17
i pray for protection and safety in my own surrounding communities all they way to the galaxies near or far. i pray for schools, homes, and the hearts of all forever and ever until we meet You again one day.
letter #18
keep your wonder contagious
there is so many places to see, sunrises to awaken for, hands to hold.
your wonder makes you so beautiful, you gleam with it.
don't ever let your wonder grow from you, hold it close and get lost in it.
turn to the sun and bask in the warmth it makes you feel, let it ignite your wonder. for then you will attract another wonder.
keep your wonder contagious.
letter #19
the magic that occurs
the magic you give someone
that spark to be themselves
that's you, watch.
letter #20
the cosmos I breathe of you are in the stars
you are artwork.
the letter that almost got away
one day the day will come when you notice. one day the day will come when you finally notice you aren't the same. you will feel different. you will feel lost. so lost you get trapped within your own sense of traveling from point to point of your daily map. it will sink in so hard you physically can feel your chest lowering to the depths you can't reach, tying an anchor. like a flower trying so hard to bloom yet remains trapped under the fermented soil. when you look up to the sky, you don't look for the collective constellations, but the dying stars and slowly watch them fade. white, orange yellow. yellow. the color you want to identify with. the color everyone labels as happy and beautiful that will automatically will classify you as one of those happy, beautiful people. But you classify with a soft grey, or pearly blue. The ones that make you feel like you're playing hopscotch on the clouds and catching shooting stars. The day will come and you will love every ounce of yourself because there is so much of you to love. love is giving, love is patient. love is you. how different it would be to live in a world where beautiful was not your body, but the colors and dreams and stories that have made you, you. that is so much more important than beautiful. but for now, you identify with the moon. you identify with the moon because a part of you is always covered, hidden away. one day the day will come and you will notice, i am so excited for that day.
from the depths of my heart, i thank you for reading and entering a part of the world i have called my own for so long. i hope you felt my warmth and love through these words and will continue to pursue happiness, grace, and spontaneity during this exploration of life.
"inspired people inspire people"
to the moon & back,
maddy ☽